Legal Notice
Data protection-juridical requirements
The Lignomat GmbH will follow all data protection-juridical requirements, in particular the default of the teleservice data protection act. People or companies whose data the Lignomat GmbH has stored have any time a right on free information, correction and blockage of your stored data. Please, simply send your desire by post or fax to the address called in the imprint. We use technical and organizational safety measures to protect your data administered by us against accidental or deliberate manipulations, loss, destruction or against the access of unjustified people.
Google Analytics
This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of the Google Inc ("Google"). Google Analytics uses so-called„ Cookies“, text files which are stored on your computer and which allow an analysis of the use of the website by you. The information generated by the Cookie about your use of this website (including your IP address which is made anonymous, nevertheless, with the method _anonymizeIp (), so that it cannot be assigned any more to a connection) is transferred to a server by Google in the USA and is stored there. Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website to put together of report about the website activities for the website operators and to render linked services next with the website use and the Internet use. Also Google will transfer this information if necessary into three parts, provided that this legally prescribed or as far as third process these data on behalf of Google. Google will associate your IP address with other data of Google in no case. They can prevent the installation of the Cookies by a suitable setting of your browsers software; we point out you, nevertheless, to the fact that you cannot use all functions of this website in this case if necessary completely. By the use of this website you agree with the treatment of the data upraised about you by Google in the before described way and for the before named purpose.
They can contradict the elevation of the data by Google-Analytics with effect for the future, while she instal a Deaktivierungs-Add-on ( for your browser
Data protection explanation
We use your order data for the winding up of your order and your information about our topical offers. All customer data are stored considering the federal data protection act (BDSG) and the tele medium law (TMG) by us and are processed.
They have any time a right on free information, reporting, blockage and deletion of your stored data. You send their information desire us by post or fax to the contact data called in the imprint.
For the winding up of an order we raise compelling the phone number of the customer. This serves for the free from problems winding up of the order and allows, e.g., possible further inquiries them the respective order concern. After an order you receive the possibility for the examination with us for the order winding up to stored data. For this purpose we send to you these data in an uncoded email.
We transmit your personal data including your address, phone number and email address not without your explicit and revocable approval into three parts. Except from this are our service partners who need the transmission of data for the order winding up. This can be, e.g., the carrier commissioned with the delivery and the Kreditinsitut necessary for the payment winding up. In particular we point out to the fact that we carry out an appraisal of the payment failure likelyhood depending on the elective mode of payment and transmit moreover data to suitable credit inquiry agencies (e.g., Creditreform). Nevertheless, in these cases the extent of the transmitted data limits itself only to the necessary minimum.
We use technical and organizational safety measures to protect your data administered by us against accidental or deliberate manipulation, loss, destruction or against the access of unjustified people. Payment data will transfer codedly.
Use of Cookies
In this shop information about the contents of your goods basket which can be called then in your next visits is stored in the Cookies. If you liked to announce yourselves with us or give up an order, we need your customer data. If you are already a customer with us, you can quite simply announce yourselves about your customer number and your personal password. They can administer in your browser programme the acceptance of Cookies of this side and close this if necessary.